Refining a la carte

Nejma Huiles are refined according to the requirements of the professionals and the clients choose their refining process in line with their needs. Refining aims to eliminate from the unrefined oil impurities such as free fatty acids, phospholipids, waxes, products of oxidation, pigments & contaminants to produce a food quality oil with the required properties in terms of taste, colour, limpidity etc;


Packaging depends on the client�s requirements and uses and can be in drums; containers or oil cans or PET bottles and all the forms of packaging respect standards of hygiene to ensure good conservation, handling and use of our oils and vegetable fats

Tailor-made products

We help to find the right formula for the producers of chocolates, margarines, ice creams and pharmaceutical laboratories and we can propose formulas comprising one or several oils to give added value to your products and to ensure constant quality. The oil recipes are recorded; full confidentiality is guaranteed and they are prepared carefully according to well defined quality standards.